Player 2 in the given arrangement of player 1 can ensure the election of any candidate from the four most preferred candidates in this arrangement. For example, let's denote by x1 the arrangement of player 1, and by x2 the arrangement of player 2:


In the diagram, the highest rank corresponds to the player's best candidate. In order to ensure that the fourth candidate from the top in Player 1's line-up is elected, Player 2 announces his preference as in the diagram.

Player 1 can guarantee the selection of any candidate from the top four candidates in Player 2's true ranking of candidates by a suitable message. For example, let's denote by u2 the true preference distribution of candidate 2:


In order to ensure the selection of the third candidate from the top in u2, Player 1 announces his message as in the diagram. This message causes the best answer x2 such that candidate a will be chosen.

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